Rematch of BFL23 to settle unfinished business
5th Most Anticipated fight of BFL34
Andre Silva
11th BFL appearance
Former 2 time BFL amateur Champion
6-4 BFL record (1-1) pro (5-3) amateur
Last Battlefield Bout BFL32 Lost to Jeremy Kennedy by submission
Notable Past Fights:
BFL 32 Lost to Jeremy Kennedy via submission (Kennedy Ranked #1 at time of bout)
BFL25 Beat Oren Hanscomb for BFL featherweight amateur title (Hanscomb Ranked #1 at time of bout)
BFL23 Beat Cleve Bentley Bentley who couldn’t continue due to a broken hand (Bentley Ranked #3 at time of bout)
BFL22 Lost BFL featherweight title to Hanz Pangilinan via decision (Pangilinan Ranked #1 at time of bout)
BFL 20 Won BFL featherweight title over Tak Sassaki via decision (Sassaki Ranked #2 at time of bout)
BFL 14 Lost to Micah Brakefield via submission
Cleve Bentley
5th BFL appearance
1-3 BFL record
Last Battlefield Bout BFL26 Lost to Oren Hanscomb
Notable Past Fights:
BFL32 Lost title fight to Oren Hanscomb via decision (Hanscomb Ranked #1 at time of Bout)
BFL23 Lost to Andre Silva Bentley couldn’t continue due to broken hand (silva ranked #1 at time of bout)
BFL18 Lost to Hanz Pangilinan via decision via decision (Pangilinan ranked #3 at time of bout)