Fight Results
BFL39 live and official results
Here are BFL39 live and official results from the Hard Rock Casino – Vancouver, BC
Curtis Harriott defeats Dejan Kajic at 1:26 of the first round by verbal submission due to injury
Arjan Bhullar defeats Blake Nash at the end of the second by doctor stoppage
Mario Pereira defeats Tristan Connelly by unanimous decision
David Moon defeats Chris Day by unanimous decision
Chris Anderson defeats Stu Delerume at 4:03 of the first round by ref stoppage – TKO
Robin Laybourn defeats Josh Morgan at 2:34 of the first by tapout due to RNC
Taylor Christopher defeats Alex Bains by split decision
Scott Pipping defeats Keith Robinson at 2:56 of the second by ref stoppage due to an armbar
Paul Kane defeats David Cunnigham at 2:32 of the second by tapout due to a Triangle choke
Billy Morrison defeats Bryan Tu at 17 seconds of the first round by KO
Navid Mirzaei defeats Mathe Levente at 1:35 of the 3rd round by tapout due to head & arm choke
Casey O’leary defeats Daniel David by unanimous decision